Go Together in Ministry
Offer Hope
Relieve Suffering
Jesus created the church to alert the world to the universal reign of God through Jesus Christ. -Leslie Newbigin
We do this by Declaring it and Demonstrating it.
James 1:22 calls us to be “doers of the word and not hearers only”
We get to participate in the regenerative, reconciling working Love of God.
St Peter’s is committed to helping you find those places God is calling you to GO!
Serve at St. Peter’s Church!
- Altar Guild
- Ushers
- Sanctuary Helpers
- Money Counters
- Communion Stewards
- Hospitality
CONTACT: Debbie Ferrugio
Praise Band
Special music
Sound/Video Booth
CONTACT: Jenn Morgan Or Rachael Arteaga
- Scripture Readers
- Liturgy
- Acolytes
- Special Services
- Testimonies
CONTACT: Rev. Jacob Park or Rev. Cory Britt
Congregational Care
- Flower Ministry
- Prayer Shawl Ministry
- Shepherds
CONTACT: Debbie Ferrugio
Congregational Care Partners
- Visitation
- Phone Calls
CONTACT: Rev Rachael Lever
- Church Council
- Staff Parish Relations
- Finance
- Trustees
- Nominations
- Lay Representative to Annual Conference
CONTACT: Rev. Cory Britt
Adult Ministry
- Men’s Group Ministry
- Women’s Group Ministry
- Discipleship Leadership
- Small Group Leadership
CONTACT: Rev Jacob Park
Next Gen Ministry
- Adult Vol. for Youth Group
- Youth Vol. events
- Adult Vol. for Youth Events
- Retreats
- Missions
- Upward Volunteers
- Children’s Choir Volunteers
- Children’s Sunday School Teachers
CONTACT: Shelly Albright
Local Missions
- CROS Ministries
- Mobile Food Pantry
- Palm Beach County Toy Drive
- Palm Beach County Food Project
CONTACT: Rev Jacob Park
We Can’t Wait
To See You!
St. Peters’ United Methodist Church
Phone: 561-793-5712
Worship Times: 9:30 am - Contemporary
11:00 am - Traditional
Office Hours: M-F 9 am - 4pm