In This
Journey Together

Our staff is here to help you on your journey to connect with Jesus by creating opportunities for you to Gather Together in Worship, Grow Together in Faith, and Go Together in Ministry. We are here to help answer your questions. Please reach out to us so we might assist you on your faith journey.

Cory Britt

Senior Pastor

Jacob Park

Associate Pastor

Shelly Albright

Director of Children and Youth

Rachael Arteaga

Choir Director

Copeland Davis

Director of Praise and Worship

Debbie Ferrugio

Office Manager

Rachel Kim


Rachel Lever

Congregational Care Coordinator

Lori Maxwell

Director of Child Enrichment Center

Jenn Morgan

Coordinator of Fine Arts and Multimedia

We Can’t Wait

To See You!

St. Peters’ United Methodist Church

Worship Times:   9:30 am - Contemporary
                                  11:00 am - Traditional

Office Hours:  M-F 9 am - 4pm