Adult Ministries
Grow Together in Faith
Growing in the Faith means we are learning about our faith and living what we learn. We want to learn about Jesus, not just for information but for life transformation.
Our Life Groups, Study Groups, and Affinity Groups are designed to help you answer some of the following questions.
What does the Bible say? How do we understand God and our life with God? What is our Christian history and how does it apply today? How can I live like Jesus? How do I share my story? Who will walk with me on my faith journey?
Connecting in Groups is the best way to stay connected, get to know others, find support, and grow in the image of God.
Life Groups
Core Purpose: to learn; how to interpret our entire life through the lens of the gospel, how to give voice to our experience of God, to grow in faith in Christ.
Focus: on Transformation, Accountability, Changed lives, Experience of God, & Encouragement
Organized: around support of one another, to increase in faith and a life centered on loving God and loving one another
Formed: around questions designed to help members help each other more effectively practice their faith.
Time: Long term with less frequent meetings
Size: 6-12
Leadership: Facilitator, group sharing format
Study Groups
Core Purpose: Study Groups are designed to gain Biblical and theological literacy in order to understand and live the Christian faith.
Focused: on Information; Bible Studies, Curriculum, Book Studies, Topical Studies
Organized: around mutual goal of learning about agreed upon topic/book
Formed: around a study designed to help members grow in knowledge of scripture and faith.
Time: Short term. 6-12 weeks generally.
Size: No limit on size of group
Leadership:appointed teacher or facilitator. Teacher/student format
Affinity Groups and Retreats
Women of St Peter’s
Special speakers, game nights, movies nights, craft nights and more!
For more information
Rachel Lever, 561-512-2740
Men of St Peter’s
Rev. Jacob Parks or 561-7935712 (Ext. 21)
Men’s Basketball
Tuesdays at 7PM
Saturday’s at 9AM
For more information:
Rev. Jacob Parks or 561-7935712 (Ext. 21)
Prayer Shawl
Meets Wednesday Nights in room 107. They create shawls they pray over and we give them to those who need prayer .If you would like to participate please contact: Rev. Jacob Parks or 561-7935712 (Ext. 21)
Building Better Moms
This happens through fellowship, special programs and small group discussion. We meet on Thursdays, there is childcare, registration is required.
Please Contact :
Carrie Sellari, 561-236-7944
Rachel Lever, 561-512-2740
Walk to Emmaus
Contact :
Rev. Jacob Parks or 561-7935712 (Ext. 21)
We Can’t Wait
To See You!
St. Peters’ United Methodist Church
Phone: 561-793-5712
Worship Times: 9:30 am - Contemporary
11:00 am - Traditional
Office Hours: M-F 9 am - 4pm