Grow Together in Faith

Shelly Albright
Director of Children’s Ministries
Youth are an integral part of our church family at St. Peter’s. We create opportunities for fun & fellowship in a welcoming community where students can worship, serve and grow in faith.
Fellowship is the cement of our Christian community. In order for youth to build strong friendships in a loving environment, we encourage students to participate in our programs & activities. Our ongoing programs are listed below. However, we offer so much more throughout the year like Rock the Universe, Escape Night, Thanksgiving Dinner, Christmas Party, Theme Nights, Fall Fun Night, Ice Skating etc..
Make sure to stay updated with all of our events through our Facebook page, parent email, bulletin updates or the Youth Calendar.

Worship – 9:30 am
We think it is important for youth to participate in worship. All youth are invited to sit with one another in fellowship during the contemporary worship service.

Youth Group
4 – 6 pm in Youth Room
Youth Group is a great time to fellowship with other youth, while learning important Biblical principles about cuurrent youth topics. We enjoy snacks, games, praise music and a scripture lesson together.

We Can’t Wait
To See You!
St. Peters’ United Methodist Church
Phone: 561-793-5712
Worship Times: 9:30 am - Contemporary
11:00 am - Traditional
Office Hours: M-F 9 am - 4pm